Welcome to Lakeland Schools


Adoption Date: 6/12/1997
4156R Computer and Internet Use

To provide an intellectual atmosphere that includes access to knowledge and information, Lakeland Central School District believes that all students and users (persons using the computer technology available in the schools) should have the opportunity to develop skills in using computer technology. The technology of the computer network is defined as all computers, hardware and software, the LAN (local area network), furniture, and all transmitted information. Transmitted information includes but is not limited to: electronic mail, web browsing, file transfer protocol, and any information retrieved via the Internet.

The Internet is a network of thousands of computers around the world which allows Users to send, receive, and publish  information in various ways, including e-mail, newsgroups, and the World Wide Web. With access to computers and people all over the world also comes the availability of material that may not be considered to be of educational value in the context of the school setting. Access to such material is actively discouraged at Lakeland; but on a global network it is impossible to control all materials, and a determined user may discover controversial information. We firmly believe that the valuable information and interaction available on the Internet far outweigh the risks inherent in the procurement of questionable material that is not consistent with the District’s educational goals and philosophy.

The network is a resource that is shared by the entire Lakeland community. Network and school administrators reserve the right to access, inspect, and delete the contents of student and/or user e-mail and files upon reasonable suspicion that the student and/or user has violated the acceptable use policy, regulations and law.

Use of technology at Lakeland is a privilege extended to individuals who wish to enhance their learning experiences. Students and users will broaden their global horizons and discover a vast scope of information and experience. Learning through interaction with the technology will furnish a student and user with many of the skills required by our evolving business and educational community. Each student and user has the privilege to make use of authorized hardware and software found on school grounds in order to facilitate their academic growth.

Transmission and viewing of any material in violation of any federal or state law or regulation is expressly prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to: plagiarism, unauthorized use of copyrighted material, pornographic, obscene materials, materials advocating discrimination, or materials protected by trade secret or that are classified government information. All school regulations apply to the use of the network to support the educational goals of this institution. When the school incurs a cost due to student and/or user negligence or misuse, the student and/or user will be responsible for the cost.

Students and users of Computer Technology in the Lakeland School District are expected to comply with the following procedures:

  1. Students and users will follow the District’s policy and regulations on Computer/Internet use and above acceptable use statement.Education and curriculum-related research is the first priority of Internet and network use in the Lakeland Central School district; all other use is secondary.
  2. Students and users may not install, modify or delete software on individual workstations or on the network file server,
  3. Students and users will not make deliberate attempts to disrupt the computer system or destroy data by spreading computer viruses or by any other means.
  4. No student or user is allowed to access any other student’s or user’s files. No student or user may allow another person to use his/her files or user account number,
  5. Plagiarism of materials found on the network constitutes a violation of the law and policy.
  6. A copyright laws, including those governing the copying of computer software, must be observed.
  7. The use of the computer to transmit or view hate mail, harassment, profanity, obscenity, pornography, discriminatory remarks, misrepresentation, impersonation, and other anti-social behaviors are prohibited on the Internet and the network.
  8. For the student’s and user’s safety, personal information such as full name, home address, phone number, age, gender, etc., must not be revealed about the user or others over the Internet.
  9. Any use of the Internet or the network for political lobbying, advertising, commercial or for-profit purposes or any illegal purpose is prohibited.
  10. Students and users must understand that they have the responsibility for their own actions while using the Internet or the network,
  11. Students without parental permission to use the Internet are prohibited from teaming up with those who have permission to use the Internet.


Section 1: To be signed by student

I understand that the Lakeland Central School District the right to monitor all computer and Internet use to ensure compliance with District policy, regulations, and law.

I understand that violations of the Acceptable Use Policy will be considered as insubordination and will be dealt with seriously. Violators risk:

* losing computer privileges on a temporary or permanent basis; and/or
* disciplinary action; and/or
*academic sanctions for academic infractions (plagiarism); and/or
* prosecution for violation of local, state, and federal laws

I have read the Lakeland School District Acceptable Use Policy for Computer and Internet Use and agree to abide by its terms, I further understand that violation of the policy regulations may lead to my access privileges being revoked, school disciplinary action, academic sanctions, and/or appropriate legal action.

Student’s Name

(Please Print) _____________________________________        Grade________

Signature          _____________________________________       Date _________
Section 2: To be signed by parent or guardian

As the parent or guardian of (please print your son/daughter’s name) __________________, I have read and discussed with my son/daughter the Acceptable Use Policy for the Lakeland Central School district computer and Internet users. I recognize that it is impossible for the School district to restrict access to all controversial materials; and I will not hold the district, its officers, employees, or the Internet provider, responsible for materials acquired on the network.

I hereby give permission for my child to have user access to the Internet and the network at his/her school.

I realize that under the law, I may be held financially responsible for the willful, malicious, or unlawful damage of property by my minor child,

Parent’s name (Please Print) ____________________________________________________

Parent’s Signature         _____________________________________________ Date _________