Welcome to Lakeland Schools

Equity For All

The Lakeland Central School District recognizes the critical importance of Equity for All (E4A) in the context of our educational mission, vision, and goals of providing all students with the opportunity to learn, feel safe and supported, and fulfill their highest potential in our rapidly changing world. 

We are committed to working as a district to improve the experience of each individual within our buildings, and are focused on being more conscious of the student experience, and of  improving engagement, access, and inclusion for all students. 

As a district, we have implemented Equity for All Teams within each of our school buildings. These E4A teams consist of staff, faculty, administrators, students, and parents/guardians who are collaborative partners, representing their school communities. These teams meet regularly to discuss and address specific equity needs and areas of opportunity within their individual schools. Representatives from each of these teams then come together to meet as a larger District Equity for All Council. It is here at these E4A council meetings we share updates, ideas, and best practices for all members of the Lakeland Central School District.

Building-level E4A Teams are only as strong as their membership. If you are interested in joining a Building E4A Team, please read more here

The District E4A Council meets four times per school year. We are proud to see all the work already accomplished in just one year throughout our district, and look forward to seeing more to come through our Building E4A Teams. For a list of some of the work completed to date, please click here.

What does “Equity for All” mean?Mission Statement E4A WebsiteAcknowledging the presence of differences to provide access, opportunity, and support to all individuals, working to foster a community where everyone has a genuine sense of belonging and connection.  

AboutTo better facilitate our equity work, the District has launched Equity for ALL (E4A) Committees at each school, and a larger E4A District Council made up of representatives from each school's E4A Committees.  The purpose and function of the council and committees are to work to support ALL students. To better enhance equity in Lakeland, and to use data to drive our work. The work and process of the council and committees are to best serve students, harness culture and climate information, look at our pedagogical approaches, and offer opportunities through the “equity for all” lens. 

The E4A District Council is to support the District's mission, core beliefs, and vision and to serve individual buildings’ needs. This is essential to serving each community.